Trip to Norfolk, VA and Halloween Fun

This last week’s events were relatively regular, with the usual weekly Zumba class and spending Monday and Wednesday at my internship with the North Carolina Coastal Federation. However Friday’s trip to Norfolk was a considerably insightful and engaging break from the ordinary for me. I learned a bit about Norfolk’s ecosystem and its coastal management issues from Elise’s internship with Wetland watch, but prior to that had no exposure to the issues the city of Norfolk and its citizens face when it comes to wetland encroachment. Puddles in the streets (see image) and overgrowth of wetland plants onto pavement and through storm drains are a regular sight in Norfolk’s roadways, and seeing it firsthand as well as speaking with Mary Carson, Elise’s mentor at Wetlands Watch, was super interesting.

This car was driving straight through the migrating wetland!

We learned about steps organizations are taking to adapt to wetland migration from sea level rise, including land use policies such as rolling easements and infrastructure like raised housing foundations (see image).

House in the process of being raised to protect against flooding

Norfolk allowed for a more hands-on, comprehensive application of the topics discussed in Mary Carson’s lecture in our Law and Policy class the day prior, and I drew a lot of connections to the themes we’ve focused on throughout the semester in our Coastal Management Class.

On a less academic note, I of course had to mention Tuesday’s Halloween festivities! Some people in our group and I got together to plan a potluck-style Halloween costume party in the Guesthouse, and it was a lot of fun. I set up a spooky playlist, we enjoyed festive snacks (check out my spooky vegan gingerbread cookies!), and ended the night off with a screening of Raja Gosnell’s cinematic masterpiece Scooby-Doo: the Movie (2002). Definitely a night to remember!

These cookies led to many hand cramps, but were well worth it!

Although this week was quite busy, I really enjoyed the adventures we had that broke up our daily routine. While my cookies and our catered lunch enjoyed in a Norfolk park have long been eaten, the fun memories and insightful hands-on learning will stick with me for much longer. I cannot wait to see what new opportunities for discovery and joy in camaraderie arise as we head into the tail end of an amazing semester!